
Until we meet again.


This week has been my week to see all of my dear old AF friends that I rarely get to see now that I've moved down to SUU.
{um. Guess what. I don't think I'll stay down there next year.}

It was Taco- Tuesday- plus -Sunny- D with my dear friends

{In order of appearance}
Matthew Meyers,
Seren Bezzant,
and Jordan Gunderson.
{& Matthew Ludlow..duhhhh.} -- [not pictured.]

And then Wednesday was the oh-so-long-needed Girls night with all of my favorites!!

Meet Lauren Jones:
We met on the first day of school our sophomore year, and I have grown to love her more and more every day since! She's hilarious, GORGEOUS, and she'll probably care about you more than any person on the planet.
And by that, I just mean that she's super sweet.

And then there's these lovely ladies.
Check out Shmelb. and her awesome blood red hair.
It's especially cool when coupled with a green beanie.
And Alyssa and Robin in all their glory.
I miss them all so much!

Sadly, I didn't get to take group photos, because my camera died.
It's a retard.
And Lauren has yet to blog the pictures I asked for.

Oh, I forgot. Monday I got to see my boys Jonny Walker and Stephen Hill.
:( Forgot the camera.
But still; a joyous occasion nonetheless.

I just wanna say..that all is well with me, for I got to see
many of those whom are very dear to me.

Plus, tonight is New Years Eve!
And everyone I haven't seen yet, will be at the parrrttty.

Love, Kalynn Eve.

p.s. Who thinks it's funny when Michelle Corrinne says,
"Let's go in a circle and each say something we like about our physical appearance."

I've been deprived


Of this thing called "sleep."

For a second, I almost forgot what it was -
however, my dear friend Webster reminded me.

It's a verb. Say whaaaa?
Fooled me..

Patrick Watson.


click here to listen to only the most chillaaaaax song ever.
Then, when you're done, listen to THIS song by M83
You will not be sorry.
And if you are, then you have an eccentric taste in music.


I love the inspiration found
in subtle works and doings of those
who don't know they're being watched.
It's a
beautiful thing.


Today, I am telling myself no.
no negativity.
no pessimism.

, I am letting myself indulge.
Indulge in the beauty of life.
Indulge in the marvelous people I am surrounded by.

Why wait for tomorrow when you can be you today?


My heart is smiling.
It's the most beautiful accumulation of the right things,
in the perfect sequence of events,
that have you thinking "things just can't get any better than this."
Then..they do.
and your heart smiles.

{happy Tuesday}

John 14:18


I've learned so much;
yet know so little.

I am loved by a being even greater than our own.
By a love more infinite than imaginable.

In a way more tangible than life itself.

It IS life.

HE is life.
And for life, I am grateful.
Indebted eternally to his grace and mercy.

His grace that sent His son.
His mercy that atoned for my sins.
For our sins.

And it just keeps getting better.

"I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you."
John 14:18

Happy Sabbath!

--Kalynn Eve



Merry Christmas. :)

Love, Kalynn.



Next door lives a little 11 year old girl who is almost completely blind.
Plus, she goes through a bunch of other crap like having cysts on her brain...
thus making her have to have a bunch of surgeries and stuff...
This girl has been through a lot.
And of course there are days when she is down, but on her good days, she come over to our house to feed Mrs. Bones some dog treats.
And she always has a plethera of jokes to share with us.
I don't know how she remembers them all. It's seriously a talent.
I just want to share a few with you from yesterday.

What did one snowman say to the other? Do you smell carrots?

What did the number 0 say to the number 8? NICE BELT!

How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it!

What kind of bee makes milk? A BOObee!

I hope that makes your day like it made mine.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve,

Love, Kalynn Eve Eve Eve.

Another day.


Look at them.
Please, revel in their beauty.
I have.
Both are prime for one reason. (reason beyond their beauty.)
that reason?: They will cost (including bindings and boots) the exact same amount as it would to rent a board, bindings, and boots for one season.
That means, I can get one of them!

Tell me. Which do you like better?
I savor in the opinion of others.
ha. Just kidding.
It's just fun to get others' opinions before making an important decision.
Such as which board I will use for probably a long long time.
so tell me.

I feel like there aren't enough hours in a day.
You know what I need?

I need to move to Alaska; it's day time all the time.
I need more hours in a day; all I do is clean and tend people. I need time for my friendies.
I need to tell those whom I love how much I appreciate them; that should never go unsaid.
I need sleep; boyfriend staying up all night playing COD= lots of random texts waking Kalynn up every half hour until 6:00 in the morning.
I need a brain transplant; mine is cooped up with bogus information-and i think it broke...or perhaps I am getting dumber...
I need a more sufficient income; snowboarding is an expensive hobby. School is an expensive hobby as well.
I need to breathe. And remember how wonderful life is, as I make do with what i have. For what I have is all I really need.

--Kalynn Eve.

You know what I wish came back into style?


1: Metal lunch boxes. Power Rangers were my weapon o'choice. Alongside my snack pack vanilla pudding and peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwhich, heavy on the PB. Kind of a bid deal...

2: Yo-yo's. I need to take up a lazy man's sport. And it's too cold outside for golf. ;)

3: Colored band-aids. I remember feigning injuries on the playground just so I could sport those little neon beauties. People only thought I was accident prone, when in reality, I was pure first-grade genius.

4: Juice boxes. The Capri Sun thing is a joke. You're just asking for an injury. Please-stab-pointy-straw-into-pressurized-juice-bag. I was always the dumb kid who stabbed through both sides on accident....equivalent to a liquid failure. That, or took a kiwi strawberry fountain to the eye.

5: Cootie shots. I miss the ultimate promise of immunity.

Things that should stay out of style:

1: Myspace. Also known as Mexico-space of the interwebs.

2: NOW CD's. What number are they on? 157? We have ipods these days (and ipads) and things such as torrents. I

3: Heelys. Pure brilliance? Yes. Also the ugliest way to break your coccyx? Yes, as well.

4: Dial-up internet. "EEEEERRRRRR-errrrr-eeeeeeee-ccccxcxcxcxcxcx" You know how it goes. I remember tip-toeing to the computer and trying to suffocate the modem with a pillow so I wouldn't get caught sneaking onto MSN. Don't tell me you didn't do it, too.

5: Rolley back-packs. The handle was always an awkward length, made for the vertically challenged (not including me.) I always rolled over on my heels as I was strutting through the hallways. Yes, I had one. Yes, mine had Esmarelda from "the Hunchback of Notre Dame" on it. No, I will never admit that again.

6: Furbys. The most demonic creature ever created by a toy company. Wee-tah-kah-loo-loo. Take it's batteries out and it still talks! To-Heck-that-needs-to-be-banned.

Love, Kalynn Eve.

Let's be real.


Life can be hard.
In fact, there are times when life can seem downright impossible.
Trials are placed before us just when we feel as though we're on our last straw.
And then it gets harder.

This has been a phenomenon that has forced many people away from religion, leading to the question:
"How can God allow this?"
Their inability to answer this oftentimes leads to dismissal of a God, entirely.

Well. Let me tell you.
Heavenly Father is real. He does exist. And he allows us to experience such obstacles because he knows we can overcome them.
He knows us better than anyone else.
He does not give us that which we cannot surmount.
He hedges up our paths so that we may reap the blessings of overcoming our hardships.
He places pains, sorrows, and sadness in our lives so that we may come to more fully know and appreciate joy, love, and happiness.

I'm always humbled to look at those around me.
In fact, I often feel silly for complaining.
Is my life perfect? Absolutely not.
Do I struggle? Everyday.
Could it be worse? Always.

It could always be worse.

But even in those situations where we doubt the truth of such a principle, it must be remembered that our Savior atoned for us so that we don't have to carry that burden alone.

And it is my testimony of that principle that makes trials seem conquerable.

And if you don't have such a testimony, I invite you to gain one.

It's the simplest process,
which reaps the most significant blessings.

"I find myself saying 'it's not fair' so often, and then one day I realized that the biggest blessings in our lives is that it's not fair. If it were all fair, we would have had to have suffered in the garden and on the cross just like Jesus did so that we could say that it's fair. But since we didn't have to suffer, it isn't fair. And that's a miracle."
-A good friend's comment that always makes my day.

Love, Kalynn.

shattered glass


Considerably early this morning, some senile old guy at the Albertson's
in Salt Lake City decided that giving me bogus directions to the freeway
was on his to-do list for today.
Driving around, utterly lost, in the dark on slippery,
snowy roads at 6:30 in the morning?
Not cool.

I want to share some things with you that I have learned in my life that may subsequently help you out with yours.

One: Just because a sliding glass door looks like it's open, does not necessarily mean that it is.
Windex. works. wonders. Approach with caution

-How I learned this: Once upon a time, my good friend Austin Woodchip(field) was having a pre-mish going away party at his house. I'd been waiting all night long for a friend to get there. Simply put, I heard that said friend had arrived and excitedly ran to greet said friend at the door when BANNNNNGGGG!!<-------forehead-on-glass-onomatopoeia. I can really sympathize with those birds that run into my window everyday down at SUU.

Two: Never let an eight-year old cook her own dinner.
I don't care if eight is the "age of accountability" or not.
I wasn't even tall enough to see over the stove. That tells you something.

-How I learned this: A box of mac & cheese is a lot for a girl, so I saved it for the next day. When I took it out of the fridge, it was too cold to eat so I simply put some tinfoil over the container and warmed it up via microwave. Pretty much it was the 4th of July in the kitchen.

Three: When baking, remember that there is a difference between baking POWDER and baking SODA.
If you do happen to mix the two up, please take notice before giving away the finished product.

-How I learned this: pretty self explanatory. Someone did something nice for me, I wanted to give thanks....
they never did anything nice for me again.

Four: When getting into water, do so slowly.

-How I learned this: After snowboarding, I turned on the shower so it could start warming up and then went back to my room to get some clean clothes. Then I just stepped right in without testing it first. Yeah. Guess I didn't turn it on very warm. Pretty sure it was only three degrees.

Five: Common-sense, but I'll reiterate. do NOT wear Old Navy flip-flops on a rainy day, especially when walking on cement.

-How I learned this: As much as I hate to recall this traumatizing story, I shall share for your guys' benefit. On a date. Cute boy. New jacket. Middle of winter. rain. new car. hot chocolate. Boy: opens car door. Kalynn: hydroplanes on Old Navy ruber-ness; spills over new jacket; spills over boy's new car. Hot. Burns. Hot. Ouch.

I hope that helps.
Kalynn Eve.

Dear Fat-man-in-a-{big}-red-coat,


Santa Claus- commonly mistaken for "clause", however, not to be confused with the constitutional components such as the Due Process Clause. (I would be learning more about that in a class I WAS signed up for to take next semester that WOULD have helped me towards my professional aspirations, however...I opted out for my snowboarding class instead. There is no turning down new love.) See. I know your name. Therefore, I have a few concerns I'd like to bring to your attention with the utmost urgency:

1} channel 105.1 on the radio is (usually) pretty good about playing a great festive mix. HOWEVER, as of late they seem to feel inclined to use Michael Buble's "home" and chipmunk-teeth'd Miley Cyrus' "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" in its assortment. While I love me some Mr. Buble, I'd prefer his CHRISTMAS music around this time of year. And Miley Cyrus, Christmas or not, gets the automatic thumbs-down-skip-to-the-next-song. Please assure this does not happen again.

2} You are doing a wonderful job in the snow department; there hasn't been too much this year! However, with my new ambitions of becoming a pro snowboarder, could you possibly make it so that there is a lot of snow in the mountains of Brian Head, but not a lot in the land of Cedar City? don't want to drive in it...but I do want to learn to shred it at B-head.

3} Speaking of shredding it on the snow, I need some snow pants. Just plain black ones is all I ask for. I have no money because all of that is being spent on my pass and school. mostly on my pass though, thanks to my lovely parents. :) ( I promise the plan will work mom!:) )

4} I would like to request the banning of flashing Christmas tree lights. Especially when coupled with a majority of non-flashing strands on the SAME tree. I don't know whoever decided it was cool to have only the bottom-right section of their tree flashing, but...they were wrong. It simply looks like you have annoying shortage in your wires. A shortage that leads me to epileptic tendencies. Let's keep it classy, folks.

5} Last night I made gingerbread houses with my family. (that includes Matthew.) and guess what I discovered? I hate gingerbread. I think it tastes awful. But I DO love the smell. Can you make it taste like the candles?


Kalynn in Pleasant Grove.

J. Henson Walker.


The J stands for Jon.

I was once asked "if you had to be stranded on an island with only one person in the entire world of your choosing, who would you choose?"

My answer? Jon Walker.

He's the absolute greatest thing to hit this planet. Ever since I met him my sophomore year, we've been the best of friends. He's the kind of person that comes up to you, without ever having met you, and says "Wait. Your last name is Petersen? I'm in love with your brother Adam!!! I want to embrace him!!"

We spent a majority of our junior year singing love songs, mostly "A Whole New World", to each other. And although I had a boyfriend at the time, I secretly crushed on Jon. I still secretly crush on Jon, actually. :) haha. I always got to stand by Jon Jon in choir, because he was the tallest tenor, and I was the tallest alto. I don't know if anyone ever noticed, but we always held hands during choir concerts to see if Mrs. Warby ever saw, and if you look really closely in our group choir photos, we are holding hands in those too. We'd go to JCW's and talk about our kissing stories, (Cause we're the "kiss and tell" kind of people.) We always had the greatest time at JCW's together.

Once, I took him to Sadies when the theme was "Sadies in the 80's." Do you know that Jon is so popular, that I had to ask him in OCTOBER? The dance wasn't even until MARCH! But I knew he would get asked, so in october I told him I was taking him to Sadies. We wore matching Michael Jackson shirts, cause we both love the King of Pop. and don't worry. Jon wore really short shorts too. (under those
longer shorts.)

I'll never forget all the really good times we had on choir tours. From the time Jon almost drowned me in the pool at our hotel in Washington DC Sophomore year, to the time when he let me (forced me) rub his naked stomach at the beach Junior year, to playing nintendo games on the bus ride to California Senior year. There was never a dull moment with Jon.

And then Jon and I graduated together, but we've stayed good friends so far. Sometimes when I come home for a visit, I go to his house and we sit on his porch and talk while our other friends fight and run around in the dark. Sometimes he tells me that "my brother is also my father." Sometimes he gives me nose blows. And sometimes, like yesterday, he comes over and we talk for hours about lost love, new love, friends, enemies, and plays that he's in. (everyone should go see Savior of the World at the Conference center. Jon's in it. Even though the tickets are "sold out" you can actually go buy your tickets for 8 bucks if you just go up at 6:30 and say you don't have a ticket. They'll sell you one then and there.) We talk about good times in high school, and about his upcoming mission.

Jon... thanks for coming to all the weird stuff I've invited you to since we've been friends. (the banana party, ice cream party, krispy kremes party, spring break morning movies, reesees smores party...........everything. You've been an exceptional friend. I think that California is an AWESOME mission, and don't you let anyone tell you otherwise, kay? You're going to be great. Those people are waiting for you! I am so excited for you! I'm going to write you allll the time, so you better be ready. You're one of the greatest friends I've had. I'm so lucky to be able to say we've been friends. Let's be friends for a lot longer, mkay?

I can't wait until you marry my brother and we become in-laws.

Love you, Jon Jon.

Love K.

It began with dinner at Cafe Rio.


Which I really could not afford,
but I have a lot of quarters.
And then it was a trip to Sally's for some hair bleach
for Abby's little strip of blonde.
And then it was to Home Depot to see the
made entirely out of PVC pipe.
at which Depot we saw the cutest little baby Christmas Tree
for only $4.89.
which reminded me that I had little baby Christmas ornaments
in my car.
which led to an hour of paper snowflake making.
Which led to an hour of playing CHUG and picking up
little itsy bitsy pieces of paper.


It was me again.


Guess who got a 94
on her Spanish final
and a 100 on her
Final Spanish Oral?
-Guess who.