
Come listen to the prophet's voice.


Lately, I stress and I fuss more than usual. (which was already a lot)
I stress that I'm taking meaningless classes. I stress that Matthew is leaving soon, and I've stupidly made him my only friend. I fuss because my body aches, without quitting, and it's so weird because I feel pain in three different places in my fingers, which just tells you how much it hurts everywhere else. Is there such thing as rapid-onset-full-body-arthritis? Or is my job just getting to me?

Luckily, I know the best, nay, the one and only, hiding spot from all of these things. And today is YOUR lucky day, because I am letting you in on my secret hiding spot.

What you'll need:
a comfortable place to sit or lay
a smart phone or laptop with internet

When I've made all the calls that I need to for the day at work, I put my earphones in, and I turn on the General Authorities. I sometimes sit at my desk for 6 hours, typing up applications while listening to the beautiful, peaceful, hopeful words from God through his servants. At my own little desk, in my own little world, I laugh, I cry, and I smile along with the prophets of our Heavenly Father. And then I realize:

I don't need to rush through college, despite what everyone else says. Matthew is going to be the best missionary in the world, and writing him is going to be a wonderful learning, (and romantic) experience for me. And my body aches (most likely) are not permanent.

I'm not gonna lie, every talk is absolute perfection; but some were meant especially for me, exactly where I am at this point in my life. And since so many of you are in the same point of life as me, I'll give you my favorites. I invite you to feel peace.

 We are the Greatest Generation
                                L. Tom Perry

Give us This Day our Daily Bread
                                          D. Todd Christofferson

The Holy Temple-A Beacon to the World
                                  Thomas S. Monson

Face the Future with Faith
                                  Russell M. Nelson
                         Dallin H. Oaks

Your Potential, Your Privilege
                                   Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Guardians of Virtue
                             Elaine S. Dalton

Coming to Know
                             Rosemary Wixom