


I think that I've been concerned about my future husband enjoying his career for pretty much my whole life. It's always been important to me that my husband can go to work and actually enjoy what he's doing every day. So ever since the day I started dating Jake, it's been a relief to know how much he completely and utterly LOVES his job! Jake is a software engineer for a company called Podium. I'm always telling people that when I see Jake after work each day and ask him how work was, he's constantly saying things like, "It was SO great!" "We had so much fun today!" "Today was so productive and great!" It makes me laugh every time, because I've never known anyone who just loved what they do so much! But it's not just the job, it's definitely the company as well. Podium has been so good to Jake, and I couldn't be more grateful that he works for such an awesome company. 

We went to the Podium Christmas party last night, and it was so fun to celebrate the growth of the company and meet more of the people Jake works with. Jake got some awesome swag, and they even gave the spouses a matching sweatshirt. So you bet that as soon as we got home, Jake and I put on our matching sweatshirts and then turned on The Force Awakens to prepare for the new Star Wars movie that just came out. 

Haha, life is so sweet. 

Oh, p.s. only 28 days until I get to seal the deal with the hottest man to ever walk the Earth!

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