
Nearer, My God, To Thee.


I've been called crazy by friends a few times because whenever I have something going on in life, 

happy or sad, I talk to a lottt of people about it. Haha. 

You can call me crazy if you want to, but do you know what I think? 
I may have already said it on this blog before, but my favorite concept is this: 
Shared sorrow is half sorrow, and shared joy is double joy.
Isn't that the best?? 
That's probably my favorite thing about blogging. I love to read about everyone's lives and be excited for the good things going on for them, and pray for them when times aren't so great. 

Sometimes, though, I think the only person that can really hear me is the Lord. 
So today I drove around until I found this place that I'm deeming as my own version of the Sacred Grove, and we talked for a while.

In the times where patience would be the most beneficial, I find it a difficult and daunting task.
I often fall short of what is expected of me; of what I expect of myself.
I easily slip into feelings of inadequacy- of feeling as though I can't measure up. 

But it's all soothed with a bittersweetness; I don't want to be perfect. 
Perfect requires attention to consequences.
It inhibits the freedom to deviate along the way,
the freedom to learn for yourself what truly brings you happiness.

Thus, in all of my impatient selfishness, I can't complain with the direction in which my life is headed. 
No, sir. 

                                                                                        And you know what else?

I AM loved; by a being even greater than our own.
By a love more infinite than imaginable.
In a way more tangible than life, itself.

Oh, and YOU are too. :)

And in case you were wondering, this perfect little place is Springfield. I invite you out there for a drive sometime soon. 



^Today I received back a package that I mailed to a client last week. I had put my own address in both the sender and recipient spots, in case you were wondering where my mind is at lately. 

^About two years ago I got eyelash extensions for the first time, and apparently took them out the wrong way, because I've pretty much had bald eyeballs ever since. Today, however, I noticed that my eyelashes are getting full again! It's a pretty big deal.

^On Sunday, I went to my sweet friends Ashley and Justin's house for dinner/games. Oh, and Ashley also gave me a trim and put lots of blonde in my hair. (say whaaaaa?!....) I thought that would help summer come quicker, but then it snowed this morning, so...

^A clean room always makes me feel better. I don't know why I have such a hard time putting my clothes on hangers. 

^Today I met someone so genuinely kind, that it made me take a step back and want to be better. Don't you love it when people can have such a huge impact on you within 2 minutes?

10 things I've learned lately.


1: Laughing is most definitely my favorite thing in the whole world.
2: I can be productive. It is possible!
3: Go with the gut. Say yes to fun.
4: I'm ready for some change.
5: Just give in and go with it sometimes.
6: And sometimes, saying no is totally necessary, and entirely worth it.
7: Some relationships will never change, no matter how long it's been since you've seen each other.
8: Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
9: Make work into play.
10: All of my roommates pee in the shower. Do you guys do this?! Because, gross.